Tonight, everyone was "on," and it was brilliant. Not 2 minutes would pass without laughter or wit or some clever exchange sparking another clever exchange. I love them all! Scott, Will, Ian, Brendan, Maria, Matt, Kyle, DC, Beth, and I had dinner at the Mayan Gypsy and launched the night with much gaming.
Left for Dead - I'd watched this played but never got a chance to play it myself until tonight. Kyle and I played while the others experimented with some new board games. I'll give you an impression of Lisa playing this game: "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGETITOFFOFMEGETITOFFGETITOFF!!!!!!!!!!" It got to the point that, later in the night, Maria tossed a container to Beth and I shrieked in terror. This may be too stressful for me to devote too much time with
Pandemic - a cooperative board game about fighting off spreading diseases. I didn't play this one, but it seemed quite challenging. I'm all about cooperative board games!
Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game - This game is kind of like Shadows Over Camelot, where the traitor is a Cylon, and doesn't know it. It's not just a skin, and has its own mechanics, but again, cooperative board games where you fight against the game are fun times!
World of Goo (Wii version) - I hadn't gotten a chance to play this cooperatively on the Wii, and I was surprised how co-op play so dramatically changes the dynamic of the game! Playing cooperatively is really, really hard, but incredibly fun. I recommend it!
Raving Rabids TV Party - zomg, such a good party game! A good spectator game at that! The skiing game where you have to sit on the balance board and steer reminded me of way back in the day, when a group of friends and I played Crash Team Racing by sitting on a DDR pad. Good times all around.
The Big Idea - This card game is awesome. But it's MORE awesome when you play after 2am so everyone is prone to giggling and silliness. Liquid Cardboard! The future is now!
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