Sunday, September 22, 2002

Drama, Colored Pencils, and Road Trips

This has probably been the craziest, messiest, drama-filled schoolyear yet, and it's only a few weeks into the year! Madness, all the time. It's terrible, but every time I feel a little sad or lonely or confused, I just look up and around and say "Ye gods! I'm glad I don't have to deal with *their* problems!" O.o Ultimately, I'm trying to do my best to keep out of the fray and provide relief, comic or otherwise, for those involved.

I'm also getting back into my art swing, slowly, and I did the unimaginable and picked up some colored pencils. I'm terrible with them, very sloppy and impatient, but I took my time with this and it turned out better than normal. Next up, I want to give these markers I try, they've been laying around untouched for years.

The weekend wasn't dull at all, and I haven't heard much on the enviro-theatre crew's trip to Tennessee (except a phone call saying "We're in Gatlinburg!!", when they were certainly *not* supposed to be 5 hours away, and another one later saying "We're in North Carolina!!" O.o;;; They got home safely, so all is well).

I also got an extension for my comp sci project, which I now have completely under control. A good weekend, but over much too quickly, as always.

(starfallz-you still up for that sock?)

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